Quotes from the Movie The Killers

This isn't a two-for-a-nickel shooting. Two professional killers show up in a small town and put the blast on a filling station attendant. A nobody. There was no attempted robbery. They were out for only one thing. To kill him. Why?

Jim Reardon

You don't know what the Swede did with the money or you wouldn't be here tearing his room to pieces. But maybe you do know things that put together with the things I know will tell me where the money is.

Jim Reardon

I think she knows where the money is...The Swede and some girl checked into an Atlantic City hotel the night of the holdup. Two days later, the girl took a powder. I've got an idea the dough went with her.

Jim Reardon

It was Kitty Collins and not the Swede that reaped the golden harvest...When the gang met to divvy up after the robbery, the Swede pulled a fast one and walked off with the whole take...That same night, he and Kitty were together in Atlantic City. She walked out on him a couple of days later. The money disappeared when she did.

Jim Reardon

As soon as you could break away, you left him flat. I'd like to have known the old Kitty Collins. You were in the clear because no one knew you'd been with the Swede. You had nothing to fear from anyone. Too bad it had to catch up with you now.

Jim Reardon

He said Kitty brought him word at midnight about the changed meeting place. The half-way house didn't burn down 'till nearly three in the morning. That meant Kitty had a partner. And who could it be but you.

Jim Reardon

You're through...That hand will never be good again - not for fighting...It's a lucky thing. You aren't punchy yet. Now suppose it was your brains were scrambled instead of your hand.

Sam Lubinsky

She was always in love with him...and I was always in love with her. It worked out fine for me, anyway.

Sam Lubinsky

For nearly two years, we weren't never more than eight and a half feet apart. That's how big the cell was.


You see that bright star in the center...brightest star in all the heavens. Only it's so far away, it don't seem like it.


A girl don't write. That don't mean she's sick like you might think. Not necessarily.


If it's as big as you claim, it's not gonna be any easy pickings. Nothin' that big ever is.


Stop listening to those golden harps, Swede. They can land you into a lot of trouble.


If that guy don't call by 10:30, we better get started anyway. Yeah, each one steal his own heap ...I never was in a hat factory before... Gimme two cards. I'll take three. If this rain keeps us, they'll be mud up to the axles on them hick roads. How many miles of dirt road is it to the half-way house? I don't like anything about capers in the rain. Rain always gives me the creeps. I hate rain.

Blinky Franklin

Step on it, can't you get any more out of it than this? Looks like a good clean getaway. That's too bad you had to shoot that guy at the gate...Did it look like 200 G's to you? Most money I ever saw at once. Wonder if the others are plannin' the same luck we are. They should be - they got away before we did. I guess the Swede made it all right. I seen him running for his heap and nobody was between him and it. Sure, he got away. Keep your eyes peeled for Polk Road. It's a left turn there, yeah. A left on Polk Road. We oughta be there in another five minutes. Hello, farmer.

Blinky Franklin
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